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Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Skin Care Tips-body Odor Of Medicinal Plants, The Causes, Prevention, Treatment

Body odor can be annoying and can cause relationship problems. They can also disturb the office environment and working to create friction. The normal way to control who agreed to body odor is to spray and lots of cologne and perfume and confidence in their effectiveness.

Body odor can happen to anyone at any time. This may be weapons that are or maybe the smell of feet. Sometimes the hair can also feel bad odors and can also come by the sweat glands of the body. It is important to understand what causes odor and try to solve the problem instead of trying to cosmetic solutions that only work short term.

Bad body odor can be caused by sweat glands to get rid of toxins that cause bad odor. It can also be caused by local bacterial infection in the armpits.

Some medications can also cause the body of a person to the bad smell that the body excrete them with sweat. Stress factors can also cause the body to the bad smell.

Poor nutrition and stress factors are the primary cause of bad body odor. Each of the sweat and the sweat is important to keep the body cool and be stress. We do not recommend the use of body deodorants to stop the formation of sweat under his arms (for example) to try to control body odor.

This can cause more harm than good.

Follwing control system of body odor.

Prepare a mixture of lime juice, sugar and a little salt (lemonade house) and drinking three glasses a day. (If diabetic, take it without sugar). This helps to eliminate toxins from the BOD.

Sipping ginger tea before and after meals. This will keep the sweat glands in check.

Cut the spices from your diet. Reduce intake of red meat and foods such as white bread and processed foods. Increase your intake of vegetables, fresh fruits and raw and cooked vegetables in your diet.

Reduce coffee and alcohol consumption.

The above changes will support an almost immediate effect on the odor (smell). The body begins to respond positively within a week to ten days and start to smell better.

In combination with changes in lifestyle and diet before, I would also recommend the following herbal remedies.

Oak cotton wool machine apple cider vinegar and apply it to underarms and feet of the area. This helps to correct pH balance in the body and helps reduce the bad smell bacteria, small infections and to control possible.

You can alternate the use of apple cider vinegar diluted with lime juice. This will help control infections and to provide vitamin C directly to skin.

Add rose water to your bath. Add to the final rinse, and helps keep the body cool and sweet scent for a long time.

Rub the slices of potatoes to problem areas also helps to reduce body odor (smell).

Your hair smelling good, adding lime juice to your final rinse. This helps remove bacteria that can cause odor. Lemon juice also helps to restore the pH balance of hair and scalp.

If your feet smell bad, you must understand that your body is telling you to change your diet. Start wearing cotton socks (and change them twice a day) and your feet can breathe more easily and wear leather shoes that breathe. Every night, soak your feet in warm water, alum was added.

Rub some of the potato slices on the bottom helps control odors. You can also sprinkle baking soda on your feet for socks before putting. Sodium bicarbonate is a known anti-odor agent.

Remove odors with diet changes and natural medicine. Use perfumes and colognes with discretion. Avoid deodorant and let your sweat. This is the healthy and natural.

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